Monday, July 18, 2011

A healthy example

This week I have renewed my efforts to lose weight. I am very sick of being a few pounds overweight, and as a health writer, I feel a certain obligation to be an example of health. I like to think I eat pretty well, but I must be eating too much of it. Since getting a part-time desk job almost a year ago, I've gained about seven pounds. Not to mention that I was already about 15 pounds heavier than was healthy for my height. I was down to a great weight at the height of my son's breastfeeding at around 18 months. But as he weaned, I started slowly gaining it all back. By the time he was done nursing at 2 1/2 I was back to the same weight as when I got pregnant. So here's my goal: Lose 2 pounds a week until I've lost 30 pounds. The addition of two gym trips a week a few months ago have yet to have an impact, so I either need to go more frequently or step up my workouts. I'd love to start dancing again, but until I lose the first few pounds I'm too embarrassed to go anywhere near a studio. Finding time to get exercise as a parent can be tricky, and I'm thankful to have a hubby who doesn't mind that I run to the gym in the evenings. I just need to find some fun exercise we can all do as a family (that doesn't involve too much outdoor time since I'm at increased risk of skin cancer) so I can help my hubby get healthier too. Any suggestions? 

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